

Love your body

Reclaim your sensuality

Liberate your power

Bay Area friends: join me for an in-person workshop where you’ll reconnect to pleasure, step into greater self-love, and feel more alive and empowered in your body!

In this half-day workshop we’ll explore:

  • How to tap into pleasure to cultivate more presence and body-acceptance

  • Why self-trust is the bedrock of self-confidence and how to cultivate it

  • Techniques to quickly and easily feel more at home in your body

  • Ways to turn off the negative self-talk and grow greater self-acceptance and love

  • How to use your senses to feel more connected to your body

  • Movement practices that promote body-awareness and appreciation

  • Confidence-boosting breathwork practices

  • Ways to re-awaken your sensuality and bring more pleasure to your life

  • Sensuality practices for growing your aliveness and power

You’ll also receive these extras :

  • A guided meditation audio, to support a loving connection to your body after the workshop

  • Journaling prompts, for further exploring your relationship to pleasure, your body and self-acceptance

  • A resources list, for further reading and independent exploration

The Details

Saturday, October 19

9.30 am to 1.00 pm

4331 Irving St.


San Francisco

(Scholarships available)

Price: $66

Let me introduce myself:

Hi! I’m Olaiya

I’m a certified pleasure and sexual empowerment coach. I believe pleasure is not a privilege but your birthright.

I believe we all deserve to feel at home in our bodies and connect with our inner power and radiance.

I spent years of my life at war with my body and detached from my sensuality. I know first-hand how painful it can be.

And I know how deeply healing it is to hold yourself with love and acceptance.

Which is why it’s my mission to help you come home to yourself and your body.

You can read more about me here.

Why feeling at home in your body matters:

Feeling good in your body liberates a ton of energy you can use for other things

  • When you don’t feel deeply comfortable in your body , you’re more likely to spend a significant amount of time doing beauty work, micromanaging your diet and fitness to fit into (unrealistic) beauty ideals, and hating on your body

  • This ties up a huge amount of time, money and energy

  • You get all that back when you're able to approach your body with more love and acceptance

It makes you more radiant and magnetic

  • Truly liking yourself and feeling good in your body is extremely attractive

  • Other people are magnetically drawn to your groundedness and confidence

It helps you feel more sexually confident and alive

  • Good sex starts with being able to be in your body (the home of pleasure)

  • And not zoomed outside your body focusing on your appearance

  • Feeling good in your body helps you have better, more connected, more pleasurable sex

It allows you to show up more fully in your life and relationships

  • When your energy is going towards diminishing yourself, that takes from your vibrancy, your aliveness and your ability to show up for yourself, your friends, your family, your work and your community

  • Being critical of how you look also creates a kind of fracturing between your mind and your body

  • Coming back home to your body allows you to step into wholeness, which is part of being in your power

  • You have so much more energy and agency when you are moving from a place of wholeness and self-love

It just feels good

  • Loving on yourself feels way better than hating on yourself or constantly nitpicking yourself!

F. A. Q.

Is this for people of all genders?

This workshop is open to women and gender-expansive humans.

How many people will there be in the group?

There are 12 spots available.

I’ve been in wellness spaces that are fatphobic / transphobic / homophobic / ageist / centered around whiteness. Will that be the case here?

No. This space will be inclusive of all participants regardless of sexual orientation, gender, body size, age or skin color.

I’m an introvert. Will I feel comfortable in this group setting?

I’m an introvert so I feel you! I understand the needs of introverts and prioritize creating a space that respects your comfort. You are welcome to participate and share to whatever level feels good for you and all activities are optional.

I have experienced trauma. Will this be a good space for me?

I am not a trauma specialist, therapist or mental health professional. I do not specialize in trauma resolution and healing. If that is the work that you feel would most serve you at this time and you need some recommendations of coaches or mental health professionals to work with, let me know and I’d be happy to refer you.

That said, I am a trauma-informed coach and continuously strive to create safer spaces for people with trauma. If you’d like to chat about what that looks like, or if this is a good fit for you, feel free to get in touch.

Is this location accessible for people with disabilities?


Are scholarships or sliding-scale pricing available?

Yes! Reach out here for details.

I have a question not addressed here. Can I get in touch with you?

Absolutely. Email me here with any additional questions.