The Secret Sauce for Making Dating Feel Good
Image: Tron Le
Self-love can help you feel better in your relationships whether you're currently partnered, unpartnered, have multiple partners or even if you’re maintaining a relationship by “dating” a long-term partner.
And ya girl has a lot of dating experience. I met my husband online in my mid 30s. Before meeting him, I was dating like it was my side hustle. (So. Many. Dates. Y’all.)
Since we opened our marriage and become non-monogamous, I’ve done a lot more dating.
So I have been dating long enough to know that there is A LOT of bad dating advice floating around out there on the internet. (Seriously. No one needs another list of 10 things to say to any man to make him fall wildly in love with you!)
The main thing I don’t hear in this advice–which is the secret sauce to enjoying dating and being successful at it–is how to date from a place of deep self-love and self-acceptance.
What is so magical about this approach is that it reduces the need for external validation, a huge part of what makes dating feel shitty.
So if you want to transform dating from something that feels hard or anxiety-inducing into something that can feel fun, playful, exploratory and safe, this week’s podcast episode is for you!
We get into:
What dating from a place of self-love looks like
The 4 key elements of dating from a place of self-love
How to start incorporating these into your life and what it looks like when you start dating from this place of deep self-acceptance
**Spoiler alert: It looks like you feeling more confident and dating feeling less intimidating and more fun!
Click here to listen or search “Lionesse” wherever you listen to podcasts.