Why It’s So Damn Hard to Rest Right Now

Getting rest

This is me in the glorious king size bed of the hotel room I booked myself a couple weeks ago to rest and recharge.👋🏾 ⁠

⁠For most of my life, I wasn’t able to prioritize rest or pleasure. Even just a few years ago, this would have felt like an unimaginable luxury. But now I view it as a 100% worthwhile investment in myself and my mental health.⁠

⁠I’m guessing you already know that rest is key to staying in balance and feeling good. And also extra necessary as we head into the most harried, stress-inducing part of the year.⁠

⁠You’re probably also finding it weirdly hard to take the downtime you need right now.⁠

⁠I did a poll on IG the other day and and 93% of people who answered said they are struggling to fit in time to rest and recharge. Everyone I know IRL is feeling this way too. You’re not alone.⁠

⁠For many people, the more you need rest, the harder it is to take. Here’s why:⁠

#1 Anxiety

Anxiety (which we ALL have to some degree—thanks pandemic life!) makes it hard to slow down, get into your body and feel what you actually *need* in order to recover. ⁠

⁠Your nervous system has probably been in overdrive (a.k.a. Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn mode) for a while. And that shiz makes you TIRED. And simultaneously WIRED. Fun stuff!⁠

#2 The Urge to Scroll

If you’re anything like me, your ability to focus is probably severely atrophied from pre-pandemic levels. That (plus the aforementioned anxiety) make it challenging to be alone with your thoughts for longer than 10 seconds. Thus the urge to open your phone and attempt to scroll to the bottom of Instagram/Twitter/TikTok every time you get a break.⁠

#3 Capitalism

⁠And let’s not forget the societal forces trying to brainwash you into believing you should constantly be DOING MORE!!! And that your value as a human is tied to your productivity. (It’s not.)⁠ Those messages are designed to keep you working without regard to your health or well-being.

⁠Bottom line: resting is not as easy at sounds. ⁠

⁠But it’s also super important. And your birthright. ⁠

⁠We ALL deserve to rest our bodies and minds. So that we can work and love and play and create better. And dream bigger.⁠

⁠I’ll be back soon with some strategies to help you get the rest you need—even when you’re feeling crunched and overwhelmed.⁠




How to Get the Rest You’re Craving-Even When You’re Feeling Crunched


How to Feel Good When the World Is Bananas