You Are Not Broken.
I was talking to a client recently who shared that she isn’t really sure it’s possible to have the kind of relationship she’s dreaming of.
That she didn’t grow up seeing the kind of love, care and connection she wants in a romantic relationship, and thought maybe it just wasn’t in the cards for her.
I shared with her what I want to share with you today:
Dating is a skill.
Learning to have great sex is a skill.
Growing healthy relationships is a skill.
And that’s GREAT news.
Because it means that even if you didn’t grow up seeing the kind of relationships you want in your life—I definitely didn’t—you can learn the skills necessary to grow them.
It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes intention and showing up.
But it absolutely is possible.
I know because I’ve lived it.
So if you are feeling like you’re broken because you aren’t finding relationships that feel authentic and good, or having the kind of sex that lights you up—I’m here to tell you this: There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you.
You simply haven’t yet gained the skills you need to create wildly fulfilling relationships and spine-tingling sex.
And there’s no shame in that! (I didn’t learn these skills until I was in my 40s.)
If you’d like to learn how to create more fulfilling sex and relationships, I’m here to support you.
I currently have spots available for 1:1 coaching
Click here to schedule an obligation-free 45 minute coaching call to learn more and explore whether we’re a good fit.
I want to see you living an empowered life full of pleasure and love! Let’s make it happen.
Holding you with so much love,