Lessons I Learned From the First Year of Lionesse
Lionesse turns one year old this week! And wow, what a year it's been. So I thought I’d take a moment to both celebrate that we made it through the last year (!!!!!!!) and also to share some of the biggest things I learned from the first year of running Lionesse:
5 Tips for Setting Boundaries Without Having An Anxiety Attack or Throwing Up
It’s easy to see why boundaries have become a trendy topic during the pandemic: Many of us are spending A LOT of time at home with roommates and family members, trying to find the elusive balance between togetherness and alone time.
If you feel like your boundaries are starting to get a little threadbare, or if you are feeling exhausted and run-down from not knowing how to set boundaries in a way that feels good, I thought I’d share a few tips to help you though the end of this pandemic (and hopefully beyond):
How to Stop Blocking Your Own Power
I don’t know about you but as we start seeing a glimmer of light at the end of this pandemic, I’m finding it harder and harder to just casually ride the Carona Coaster of emotional ups and downs. I WANT THIS SHIT TO BE OVER. Like yesterday.
As we marked one year of pandemic life, I started thinking about the ways the past year has left many of us feeling powerless. And how, when that sense of powerlessness is left unchecked, it has a way of creeping inward and transforming into hopelessness and depression.
Here’s an example from my life: